Safeguarding and Child Protection
At Alfred Salter Primary School. there is nothing more important to us than the physical and emotional health and well-being of our pupils and staff alike. We recognise that every day we are trusted with the most precious members of our families. As such we have created and work hard to maintain a climate in which staff, pupils, parents and governors feel able to articulate concerns comfortably; safe in the knowledge that effective action will be taken, as appropriate
Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies apply to all adults, including volunteers, working in or on behalf of our School. We expect everyone working in or for our School to share responsibility for keeping children safe from harm and abuse and report any concerns to one of our DSLs (Please see safeguarding posters displayed in the school building). Together we must ensure that all children, their families and our staff, feel safe, valued and cared for at all times and are nurtured to thrive and achieve to be the best we can be
We welcome volunteers, including parents, into our School and at all times ensure that volunteers are suitable to work with children. Those who volunteer to spend time with our children on a regular basis are required to undergo a DBS check.
At Alfred Salter Primary School, children are taught about how to stay safe, including staying safe online. Our taught curriculum and programme of assemblies covers how to stay physically and emotionally healthy and includes e-safety and age-appropriate sex and relationship education (SRE). NB: Parents of older children, who undertake specific units of work on puberty and sex education, will be informed before the teaching takes place and will be invited to view any materials we plan.
Families can access support from our extensive wellbeing team that includes our Family Support Worker, Play Therapist, Wellbeing Mentor and SENCO The team meet regularly and frequently hold meetings with outside agencies to best meet the needs of families.
Support for pupils and families who needs additional help is exemplary.
The school has clear procedures in place to safeguard children that includes protecting children at risk of radicalisation. These procedures are embedded within existing safeguarding policies. All staff are aware of the school’s policies and procedures and follow these for any aspect of safeguarding, including extremist views/extremism.
As with any form of safeguarding if a member of staff, parent or community member has any concerns about a child in the first instance they should inform:
The Designated Safeguarding Lead Elli Prestage or the Deputy Safeguarding Leads, Adam Bridle and Sharon Evans.
In order that any individuals who are at risk receives support for any personal vulnerabilities. At Alfred Salter staff training on the Prevent Duty has already taken place.
Further information on Preventing Radicalisation’ has been included in Keeping Children Safe in Education in line with:
Prevent Duty Guidance: for England and Wales
published in March 2015 as part as the UK’s Counter Terrorism strategy. (p.10-15 for schools, registered childcare providers and further education).